What is halotherapy and how does it work?
Breathing salty air is a good practice and halotherapy is its alternative treatment. Many studies from Faisal hospital Lahore claim that it helps to manage respiratory conditions, including asthma, allergies, and chronic bronchitis. People find it easy to perform at home as it helps to ease breathing and other nasal passage issues.
Additionally, some of the experts reveal that there are other benefits as well, such as treating depression, managing anxiety, easing smoking, and smoking caused symptoms (shortness of breath, wheezing, cough). Some skin conditions are also treated with halotherapy, such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne.
It wasn’t common back in the days but now, researchers are looking for its potential benefits. But you should learn about its different methods before knowing about the benefits.
Two methods of halotherapy are popular, wet and dry. These methods depend on the fact that the salt is administered.
Halotherapy – Dry Method
Man-made salt caves are used for dry salt therapy. It happens because there is no humidity inside the salt cave. The session for halotherapy usually lasts up to thirty to forty-five minutes.
Professionals grind the salt into microscopic particles using a device which is called a halogenerator. It releases the salt particles into the room and makes it easy to inhale. When a person sits there and inhales the salt particles in the air, it absorbs the allergens and toxins from the respiratory system.
Researchers say that after inhaling the salt particles from the air, a person feels better as it breaks up the mucus and reduces inflammation. It clears the airways and unblocks the congestion.
It not only affects your respiratory system but also leaves positive effects on your skin. Halotherapy allows the salt particles to absorb the bacteria and other toxins from your skin. It is the reason that halotherapy is beneficial for many skin-related conditions, like acne, and eczema.
The researcher also says that salt leads to negative ions production which makes your body release more serotonin. It is the chemical behind the happiness feeling. Himalayan salt is used to reduce the negative ions. You can also light up the lamp of salt in your home to reduce the negative ions.
Halotherapy – Wet Method
The wet method involves a mixture of water and salt. Different types of methods are used for wet halotherapy, such as using salt water for nasal irrigation, drinking salt water, gargling salt water, bathing in saltwater, and flotation tanks filled with saltwater.
What does the research say about Halotherapy?
Science has not done any research on this technique but many studies support its benefits we also cannot deny that a few studies are conflicting.
Some researchers say that people who were living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease had fewer symptoms. After taking the halotherapy, they shared how much their life quality has improved. But still, a person needs approval from medical guidelines.
A study from 2013 says that halotherapy did not improve the lung function outcome and did not work to clear mucus from the lungs.
Halotherapy increases the allergic reaction according to the 2014 research.
What Are The Risk Factors Of The Halotherapy?
Studies say that halotherapy is safe for many people and it is commonly done in the spa or wellness clinic. People with asthma are more prone to irritating airwaves. Such irritation leads to headaches, coughs, wheezing, and shortness of breath. You can say that it can worsen the symptoms of asthma.
It is safe for the children as well, according to the supporters. But the amount does matter, such as inhaling 3% saline solution is not dangerous but safe. This technique is also beneficial for infants with bronchitis.
Final thought
Halotherapy should not be performed without proper information as it can worsen the symptoms of asthma. Visit your doctor and ask before going for the halotherapy. Studies have confirmed that it helps with depression and respiratory problems.