5 tips to use for promotion on Instagram in 2022
No one will argue that in recent years the principle of maintaining and developing Instagram pages has changed a lot – now mass following and liking no longer work, people don’t have time to support those in whom they are not interested, and bloggers are not so willing to share the audience and do it only for money.
It’s completely clear and understandable: with more than a billion monthly active users, Instagram is the most delicious platform for promoting content or business, which creators around the world use.
In this text, we have put together a small guideline for those who want to start developing their page in IG today: we will tell you why to buy Instagram followers, how to combine this with other useful promotion tools and what you can ask from your audience and other bloggers who are now in about the same position as you.
1. If you want to save money, but get an interested audience, ask for help from bloggers who now have about the same number of subscribers as you (or slightly more). By working together, you will be able to increase the number of your subscribers and exchange audiences for the benefit of each other.
2. Post regularly and mark the days when your competitors do not publish anything – this is the best time for a new post and a lot of new stories. These days the feed of your actual and potential audience becomes sparer, which means that they are more likely to notice your publications in it and pay more attention to them.
3. If you see that you’re seriously lacking subs and having difficulties with gaining enough of them, buy real Instagram followers and cover your needs once and for all. The best option for a novice would be choosing a subscription – which means that subs are going to be delivered to your page regularly and exactly in the amount that you need.
4. Learn how to properly collect hashtags and use them – You should be always planning PR. Give up 30 tags under each post, today it only spoils the look of the publication. When you collect tags, think like your subscriber: what words would they use to search for your product, service or content? These are exactly the tags that should stand under your publications and even in your stories.
5. Organize contests and giveaways to increase the loyalty of the audience that you already have and attract a new one. People are very fond of gifts and free services, as well as discounts on them – if you want to show that a new audience is welcome in this profile, this is the best way to do it. make sure that the discount is both pleasant for your viewers and not too detrimental to yourself. This way the held action will be beneficial for both sides.
Summing up
The development of the page in IG in 2022 requires tactics and the use of special tools – without them you will not be able to achieve great results in a short time. So use not only free options but also paid services too. A small investment in a profile today will help you get a big benefit from it tomorrow.